The prehistoric giants- Šantovka mall

< 10/22 >

One month long exhibition full of funny accompanying activities.

There were 8 exhibits of prehistoric dinosaurs in Šantovka shopping mall. All of them were interactive and they reacted to the visitors’ movement - they moved and made their typical noise. Four dinosaurs were prepared for the children’s “ride”. Twice a day was the feeding of live dinosaurs in the gallery.

All kindergartens and elementary schools in Olomouc received a direct mail with the offer of excursions for their classes. We also prepared special excursions with coloured lighting of all dinosaurs during the Night.

There were prepared themed educational workshops (every weekend a different prehistorical topic) for children every Sunday.

During the promo phase we choose except for traditional communication channels a special one as well. Let´s watch the video. We recommend do not miss the time 1:45 :)

< 10/22 >