Grand Opening Galerie Šantovka

< 8/22 >

4 day event (incl. VIP evening) with over 150,000 visitors.

We were preparing this project for a really long time and to be honest it was a hard job, but the outcome was worthwhile. During first three days in Galerie Šantovka, more than 150.000 customers visited. We prepared an attractive programme which appealed to all ages and interests. That’s why there was an incredible atmosphere. In this project we take care of: creative concept, production, the realisation of our vision and part of media communication.

The VIP evening had a ceremonial atmosphere and a lot of known people accepted the invitation; from top level athletes such as Tomáš Berdych to important politicians. Of course, we also prepared a large selection of food and drinks for people to enjoy. That evening was completed with unique, grandiose multimedia show. It’s hard to describe it.

There were many art and music performances on two stages and dozens of supporting activities for all age groups during the 3 day opening ceremony. Customers could see artists as e.g. Atai Omurzakov, Dara Rolins, Ivan Mládek a Banjo Band, Petr Rychlý, Pavel Cejnar, Monika Bagárová, Peter Bič Project, DaeMen, Richard Nedvěd, for children Dáda Patrasová, Magda Reifová, Václav Upír Krejčí and models Eliška Bučková, Ester Sátorová etc. The grandiose multimedia show attracted thousands of spectators.

< 8/22 >